The word Siddhar comes from the word 'Siddhi' which means 'perfection' or 'eternal bliss'. These are referred to as the supernatural powers which gave the ancient saints the designation of Siddhars. By the virtue of these powers, Siddhars employed their knowledge for the benefit of the mankind.Siddhars achieved the ultimate blissful state that can be achieved by humans and also attained enlightenment. They devised a number of means and methods to strengthen their physical as well as spiritual self. They also propagated that these methods could actually heal various ailments and can help to attain immortality.
To share their knowledge with the rest of the world, they laid down their wisdom in scriptures. These scriptures were manuscripts made of palm leaves. Some of the fragments of these age old relics are found in south Indian families, which keep them preserved solely for their own use.
Siddha medicine secrets.
Siddha is one of the oldest medicine systems of the world. Though it originated in south India, the basic aim of the system is to help the mankind live a better life. Siddha can be termed as a scientific art, which was founded by siddhars. More than just a medical system, Siddha is a method dealing with intense spirituality and immense possibility for the betterment of human beings. Siddhars themselves attained this knowledge after deep meditation and arousing the serpent power within them.